Daily Brief - Thursday 8th November, 2018


Nestle: Go green now or lose out later

For companies holding off on implementing environmentally-friendly manufacturing practices owing to cost concerns, Patricio Torres, head of market, Nestle Anglo Dutch Caribbean Region, has a message for you – do it now or suffer financially later. He was speaking with Business Day at Nestle's head office in Valsayn about Nestle Trinidad winning the Green Manufacturer of the Year Award at the annual TT Manufacturing Association (TTMA) Excellence in Manufacturing Awards Ceremony in October. Read more here



Water supply disruption in Central this Friday

The water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) has announced a disruption in water supply in parts of Central Trinidad tomorrow. WASA, in a release, said Central customers served by the Carlsen Field Water Treatment Plant will experience an interruption in their water supply on Friday between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm. Read more here

Cedros councillor on illegal female immigrants

Ce­dros coun­cil­lor Shankar Teelucks­ingh es­ti­mates that up to 75 per cent of fe­male im­mi­grants who en­ter the Trinidad and To­ba­go il­le­gal­ly end up be­ing sex work­ers. He made the com­ment yes­ter­day dur­ing a tele­phone in­ter­view on CNC3's Morn­ing Brew, as he com­ment­ed on a vi­ral so­cial me­dia video de­pict­ing what ap­pears to be Venezue­lans na­tion­als land­ing il­le­gal­ly on a beach at Los Iros. Not­ing that such an oc­cur­rence is not an un­usu­al oc­cur­rence to them on that part of the is­land, Teelucks­ingh said he was hap­py some­one record­ed it. Read more here

Is your gasoline burning out faster?

Is super gasoline burning faster? This is the claim by some motorists who are insisting that the fuel is burning faster, leading to lower mileage per litre and higher costs. And many taxi drivers say that the Super gasoline is causing economic hardship. Some want the State to subsidize taxi drivers. At the pumps, car owners would pay $4.97 for super gas, $5.75 for premium gas, and 3.41 for diesel fuel. Read more here



Kamla talks to Guyana private sector on energy

Op­po­si­tion Leader Kam­la Per­sad-Bisses­sar will speak to the Guyanese pri­vate sec­tor on lessons Trinidad and To­ba­go has learned on man­ag­ing oil and gas rev­enues when she at­tends a func­tion in Guyana to­mor­row. Per­sad-Bisses­sar will give the pre­sen­ta­tion as the fea­tured speak­er at the 23rd Awards Pre­sen­ta­tion and Din­ner host­ed by the Guyana Man­u­fac­tur­ing & Ser­vices As­so­ci­a­tion’s (GM­SA) at the Pe­ga­sus Ho­tel, George­town. Her top­ic is “Man­ag­ing Oil and Gas Rev­enues – ex­pe­ri­ences and lessons learned from T&T and ad­vice to the Guyana pri­vate sec­tor in prepar­ing for oil and gas.” Read more here

Call for migrant camp

There is a document in the office of the Minister of National Security calling for Red Cross International to set up a migrant camp at Cedros. Councillor for Cedros Shankar Teelucksingh said yesterday it is awaiting approval. Read more here



Death of a salesman

Death of a Sales­man is a play writ­ten by Amer­i­can play­wright Arthur Miller in 1949. It ad­dress­es the loss of iden­ti­ty and the in­abil­i­ty of a man to ac­cept change; the changes around him and the changes with­in him. It is wide­ly con­sid­ered one of the great­est plays of the 20th cen­tu­ry. Play­ing out be­fore our eyes in to­day’s world is the death of brick-and-mor­tar re­tail as the in­dus­try steadi­ly los­es ground to on­line shop­ping. As the world moves to­wards the da­ta age, are tra­di­tion­al re­tail­ers fail­ing to adapt? Read more here

Quake rattles Methanex’s T&T output of methanol

Vancouver, Canada-based Methanex, the world’s largest methanol producer, told investors recently that the 6.9 earthquake that struck T&T on August 21 was one of three reasons the company suffered a 20 per cent drop in production from its two plants on the Point Lisas Industrial Estate during the quarter ended September 30, 2018. Read more here



Careless Imports - JAS President Appeals To Gov't, Private Sector To Buy Local

President of the Jamaica Agricultural Society (JAS) Lenworth Fulton has charged the Government and the private sector to provide greater support to local farmers by utilising more Jamaican produce. This is necessary, he said, to reduce the heavy dependence on "careless" imports, which has pushed the country's food import bill for January to July 2018 to US$501.6 million, a 5.4 per cent increase over the corresponding period for 2017. The JAS president used yesterday's launch of 'Eat Jamaican Month' to draw attention to "the growing 40-ft container farms that seem (to be) the order of the day" that benefit from a licensing regime that creates hardships for thousands of local farmers. "This also threatens the investment in poultry, pigs, dairy, Irish potatoes, and onions," he added. Read more here



Britain's Prince Charles promises not to meddle when he's king

Britain's Prince Charles has spoken for the first time about what sort of king he will be, promising not to meddle in controversial affairs once he takes on the role of the monarch. In a BBC documentary celebrating his 70th birthday, the heir to the British throne says he will swerve the kind of issues that have brought him criticism in the past. "You know I've tried to make sure whatever I've done has been nonparty political, but I think it's vital to remember there's only room for one sovereign at a time, not two. So, you can't be the same as the sovereign if you're the Prince of Wales or the heir," said Charles, who turns 70 on November 14. Read more here

White House suspends credentials for CNN's Jim Acosta

The White House has suspended the credentials of CNN's chief White House correspondent hours after a testy exchange with President Donald Trump. Jim Acosta was asking a question at a news conference on Wednesday when a White House worker tried to grab the microphone from his hands. Press secretary Sarah Huckerbee Sanders said access was removed because he had put "his hands on a young woman". Mr Acosta called Ms Sanders claim "a lie". President Trump had been giving his response to the mid-term elections, which saw his Republican party lose control of the lower house of Congress but gain seats in the upper house. Read more here

8th November 2018


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